中山真樹(代表) - 略歴



ネクストオブジェクト株式会社 設立

2010年 ~ 2014年
電子出版社 NEXTBOOK株式会社を共同創業。「幼児・子供向け知育アプリ」の創造に開発担当取締役として取り組む。
- piboえほん  2011年グッドデザイン賞
- いないいないばあ が2012年のiPadメーカー広告に使用される
- ゆびドリル  AppStore(日本)教育1位 2011年、2012年
- トイカー  AppStore(日本)教育1位 2013年
- インタラクティブな電子絵本の記述言語 NextScript を発表(公開終了)

第1作としてKidsScript (2016) を発表

(2016年12月 現在)

Maki Nakayama (President) - Short Profile

He liked pictures and toys in childhood. He learned the design of the architecture at the univertisy. While studying, he interested in Semiotics, and aimed for expression by computer. Then, started the learning of Computational Linguistics (The theories of programming languages)

Before 2006
After the various jobs in the computer manufacturer, internet-startup, editor and writer of the Journals, he started the carrier as freelancer of R&D programmer. Beside the contracted developments, continued the self-researches for language-systems and graphics-systems.

Established NextObject, Ltd.

From 2010 to 2014
Established an electronic-publishing startup company: NEXTBOOK, inc. with buisiness partners. And engaged in creating of educational applications for infants and kids as Creative Director.
- GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2011, Japan METI , by pi-bo picture book
- Apple Japan use to ad of 4th iPad of 2012, Peek-a-boo
- AppStore(Japan) education rank 1 by Finger Drill , 2011, 2012
- AppStore(Japan) education rank 1 by Toycar , 2013
- Release of the interactive picture-book-app describing language: NextScript (distribution ended)

After 2015
He shifted to the indivisual activities of "artistic creation" by programming. And released the first production KidsScript (2016)

(As of December 2016)
